Title: Venezia, Archivio di Stato, Secreta, Codice Trevisaneo, carta 125r-125v
Document number: 1043
Author(s): Erika Cinello (file creation on 2022-02-03); Erika Cinello (last change on 2022-02-03)
Record source: Critical edition
Document type: Libellus/precaria/emphyteusis
Document tradition: Copy
Fiscal property: Yes
Date: 1000 January 1st - 1000 Decembre
Date/period of redaction: XVI m
Keywords: advocatus, angaria, archdeacons, bishops, census, emperor/king, fiscal property, fluvial transport, gastaldus/vicegastaldus, landed possessions, libellus/precaria/emphyteusis, marquis/duke, mother churches, natio, notary, object, outflow, penalty, ports, priests, rights of use on woods/pastures/waters, sea salt, storage buildings, teloneum, textual occurrence, trade, wine, witness.
Editions and document summaries: Cessi 1942, n. 89 (1000), pp. 182-184.
Links: http://saame.it/fonte/documenti-veneziani-venezia-36/