Title: Venezia, Archivio di Stato, San Zeno maggiore di Verona, busta I, n. 11 (DD B I, n. LXII, pp. 170-171)
Document number: 1018
Author(s): Erika Cinello (file creation on 2021-02-08); Erika Cinello (last change on 2021-02-08)
Record source: Critical edition
Document type: Imperial/royal diploma
Document tradition: Copy
Fiscal property: Yes
Date: 905 August 2
Topical date: Peschiera del Garda (Verona)
Keywords: agricultural renders, aldius, allocation to churches, archchancellor, bishops, camera regis, cereals, chancellor, cisterns/pits, confiscation, curtes, emperor/king, fiscal property, fisheries, forests, fruits/vegetables, hay/fodder, houses, inflow, intercessory, iure proprietatis/pleno iure, landed possessions, mansi, marriage, marshes/lagoons/tombolos, mention, mills, monasteries, mountains, object, outflow, penalty, property of criminals/political traitors, rivers, slave, textual occurrence, wine.
Editions and document summaries: Schiaparelli, DD B. I, n. LXII, pp. 170-171; Fainelli, CDV, II, n. 75, pp. 91-93.
Sul verso, di mano del sec. XIII, “offertio quam fecit Villepicte et Gardensca Berengarius rex”. L'espressione "res eius infiscentur et anime sue incurrat periculum" è una citazione, quasi letterale, di Roth. 1.