Title: Lucerna, Archivio di Stato, fasc. Abt. St. Gallen. Rechten und Freiheiten den Gotteshauses St. Gallen (DD B I, pp. 130-132, n. XLV)
Document number: 1128
Author(s): Chiara Stedile (file creation on 2021-02-08); Chiara Stedile (last change on 2021-02-08)
Record source: Critical edition
Document type: Imperial/royal diploma
Document tradition: Copy
Fiscal property: Yes
Date: 904 June 1
Topical date: Pavia
Date/period of redaction: XV - XVI
Keywords: allocation to churches, archchancellor, bishops, camera of other public authorities, camera regis, chancellor, churches, comitatus, curtes, emperor/king, fidelis of, fiscal property, fisheries, forests, hay/fodder, houses, intercessory, iure proprietatis/pleno iure, landed possessions, mills, monasteries, mountains, natural landscape, object, outflow, palatine count, penalty, profits of justice, public exactions, rivers, royal aldius, royal slave, teloneum, textual occurrence, tuitio/bannum/mundeburdium, wine.
Editions and document summaries: DD B I, pp. 130-132, n. XLV
Schiaparelli ritiene di non poter dubitare dell'autenticità del diploma, del quale comunque non si può ricavare con sicurezza il testo originale, per via degli errori di lettura e delle molte interpolazioni.