Title: Montecassino, Archivio Abbaziale, Reg. 3 (Martin et al., Registrum Petri Diaconi, II, n. 233, p. 717)
Document number: 1215
Author(s): Antonio Tagliente (file creation on 2021-05-07); Antonio Tagliente (last change on 2022-04-12)
Record source: Critical edition
Document type: Cartula
Document tradition: Copy
Fiscal property: Yes
Date: 971 September
Topical date: Sessa Aurunca (Caserta)
Keywords: allocation to churches, cartula, castle, child of, clergy/religious persons, confinia, count, fiscal property, function, judge, landed possessions, marquis’/ducal/princely diploma, marriage, mention, monasteries, notary, object, offersio/donatio, outflow, penalty, personal rank, princeps, rector of, redistributive, rights of use on woods/pastures/waters, riverbed, rivers, shores, textual occurrence, vir gloriosus/vir sublimis, wine, witness.
Bibliography: Bloch 1986, pp. 191, 1348.
Il conte Atenolfo figlio del q. Landenolfo offre a Montecassino l’acqua, l’alveo e le sponde del Garigliano a lui concessi dal Palazzo.