Torino, Archivio Arcivescovile (DD F I/2, n. 252)

Title: Torino, Archivio Arcivescovile (DD F I/2, n. 252)
Document number: 1854
Author(s): Caterina Ciccopiedi (file creation on 2022-02-15); Beatrice Ferretti (last change on 2022-07-21)
Record source: Critical edition
Document type: Imperial/royal diploma
Document tradition: Original
Fiscal property: Yes

Date: 1159 January 26
Topical date: Occimiano (Alessandria)
Date/period of redaction: 1159

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In nomine sancte et individue trinitatis. Fredericusemperor/king divina favente clementia Romanorum imperatoremperor/king augustus. Dignum duximus auribus et oculis omnium Christi fidelium significare, qualiter Karolusdistrictio, bishops Taurinensisfiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, public exactions, teloneum, districtio ecclesie venerabilis episcopusbishops nostre maiestatis eminentiam adiit flagitans in spiritu humilitatis, quatinus divine mercedis intuitu omnia pertinentia ecclesiemother churches sue in honore precursoris et baptiste Christi Iohannismother churches dicate, que a predecessoribus nostris tam regibus quam imperatoribus ac religiosis viris eidem ecclesie collata sunt, nostra imperiali censura confirmare et corroborare dignaremur. Cuius pie petitioni benignum assensum prebentes hoc preceptum fieri iussimusimperial/royal diploma, per quod tam cultis quam incultis seu in desertis locis omnes plebesplebs, curtescurtes, episcopii videlicet sedem et domum ipsius civitatis cum omnibus rebus mobilibus et immobilibus ad se pertinentibus et quicquid ad nostrum ius pertinere videtur, terras scilicet et omne districtumdistrictio atque domos publicas murumque ipsius civitatis cum fiscopublic exactions et theloneoteloneum integro seu cum omni iure civili intus et extra per circuitum miliariis Xcem eidem ecclesie concedimus. Curtem vero de CarioESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, markets, plebs, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, markets, plebs, districtio cum plebe et castellocastle et mercatismarkets et districto, curtem de CallianoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de Allignanno cum castello et capellachurches, curtem de MontealtoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castellum de Patianocastle, curtem de SolarianoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de TetianoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, districtio cum castello et districto, item curtem de Tetiano, que dicitur Vetere, cum capella, curtem de CanevaESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de MucuriadesESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle cum castello, curtem de CellasESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, plebs, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, plebs, districtio cum castello et districto et plebe, curtem de SantanaESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, churches; PLACE: uncertain tradition, curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, churches cum capella, curtem de MasiolasESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de Bulgari CornaletoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de TestonaESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, tower, markets, districtio, churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, tower, markets, districtio, churches cum castello et turre et capella et mercatis et districto integro, curtem de PalacioESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, plebs; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, plebs cum plebe, curtem de ValicellaESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, districtio cum castello et districto, curtem de MalauasioESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de SaxinasESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de Magenias cum capella sancti Mart(ini), curtem de CarnanoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, districtio, churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, districtio, churches cum castello et districto et capellis, curtem de RuncoESTATE: lakes, curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: lakes, curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches cum toto laculakes de Melegia, curtem de RudolfiaESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de MonasterioloESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de RomaniseESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, districtio, collegiate churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, districtio, collegiate churches cum canonica et castello et districto, curtem de Cadrali[o]ESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, plebs, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, plebs, districtio cum castello et plebe et districto integro, cum valle Gramna et Monte Malo, cum castro, cum montibusmountains et vallibus, silvisforests, pascuishay/fodder et omnibus suis pertinentiis, curtem de CentalloESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de LuualdisoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de ArpiascoESTATE: mountains, curtes, forests, hay/fodder, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: mountains, curtes, forests, hay/fodder, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches cum castello et districto, cum [mon]tibus, vallibus, silvis, pascuis, curtem de CerretoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches cum tota valle Uall[act]ana, curtem de VercioloESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, tower, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, tower, districtio cum castello et turribus et districto, curtem de QuadritianaESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de ContenascoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de PancalareESTATE: mountains, curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, plebs; PLACE: mountains, curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, plebs cum plebe et toto monte, curtem de BedoledoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de CampilioneESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, churches cum capella, curtem de BibianigaESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches cum suis pertinentiis, curtem de Rouacles cum plebe et castello, cum omnibus ecclesiis et monasterio sancti Hilarii, curtem de PubliceESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, plebs, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, plebs, districtio cum castello et plebe et districto, curtem de PinarioloESTATE: curtes, landed possessions, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, plebs, districtio; PLACE: curtes, landed possessions, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, plebs, districtio cum castello et districto et plebibus et castellis, cum tota valle Pinariasca, curtes, que vocantur MacedelloESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches et BuriascoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de GauennoESTATE: lakes, curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: lakes, curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches cum duobus lacis, curtem de AuilianaESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, plebs, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, plebs, districtio cum castello et plebe et districto, vicosvici Fulcardivici, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches et Canussovici, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de valle NouellascaESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de RipulisESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, plebs, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, plebs, districtio cum castello et plebe et districto, curtem de SanganoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de TrannaESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, tower, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, tower, districtio cum castro et turre et districto, curtem de BrioneESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle cum castello, curtem de PlaniciaESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, plebs, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, plebs, districtio cum castello et districto et plebe, curtem de TuruentoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, plebs; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, plebs cum plebe, curtem de FianoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, plebs; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de MatigoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches cum tota valle Mategasca, curtem de LancesESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, curtem de sancto MauricioESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, plebs, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, plebs, districtio cum castello et plebe et districto, curtem de SeptimoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, plebs, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, plebs, districtio cum plebe et districto, curtem de ClauascoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, districtio cum castello et districto, curtem de CastenetoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, districtio cum castello et districto, curtem de sancto RaphaeleESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, tower, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, tower, districtio cum castello et turre et districto, curtem RipaalbaESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, districtio cum castello et districto, curtem de LauredoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, districtio cum districto, curtem de SabloneESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, districtio; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, districtio cum plebe, curtem de CalpiceESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, churches cum capella, curtem de RipulasESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches cum tota valle Magrana, cum montibus et vallibus et suis pertinentiis, curtem de VignoloESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, tower; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, object, outflow, allocation to churches, castle, tower cum castello et turre et suis pertinentiis, abbatiam sancti Michaelismonasteries sitam in monte Porcarianamonasteries cum suis pertinentiis et omnem decimamdecima de valle Secusia cum omnibus ecclesiis, capellis, plebibus usque in Brienzoleplebs, decima, churches et usque in monte Cinixplebs, decima, churches tam in civitate Secusie quam de foris, abbatiam sancti SolutorisJURIDICAL PERSON: monasteries; PLACE: monasteries cum suis pertinentiis, abbatiam de GracianoJURIDICAL PERSON: monasteries; PLACE: monasteries in honore sancti Victoris et Corone cum suis pertinentiis, abbatiam sancti Petrimonasteries in civitate Taurinensimonasteries, abbatiam de CeruariaJURIDICAL PERSON: monasteries; PLACE: monasteries cum suis pertinentiis, abbatiam sancti Saluatoris et sancti Maurimonasteries sitam in vico Pulcheradamonasteries cum suis pertinentiis. Ceteras quoque curtes, territoria, castella, villas, mansosmansi et utriusque sexus familias, aldionesaldius et aldianas, domos quoque, possessiones, piscationesfisheries, forestas, pascua in montibus vel planitiebus, aquationesrights of use on woods/pastures/waters aquarumque cursus vel decursus, paludesmarshes/lagoons/tombolos, cuncta habita et tenta et possessa ad partem ipsius sedis a predicto Karolo episcopo vel a quolibet predecessore eius aliquo inscriptionis titulo vel investitura hactenus donata, collata atque tradita predicte sancte Taurinensi ecclesie a quibuscumque hominibus vel potestatibus donamus, concedimus, confirmamus et omnibus modis corroboramus una cum campis, vineis, pratis, pascuis, herbis, silvis, frascariis, buscaliis, montibus, alpibus, collibus, vallibus, planitiebus, ripis, rupinis, aquis aquarumque decursibus, molendinis, piscationibus, omnia, que dici vel nominari queunt, et per hoc nostre confirmationis preceptum de nostro imperiali iure et dominio in ius et dominium Taurinensis ecclesie omnino transfundimus ac delegamus predictum districtum prefate civitatis et omnia, que vocata sunt publica, fiscalia vel comitalia vel vicecomitalia, que intus vel extra civitatem continentur per circuitum miliariis Xcem ea videlicet ratione, quatinus predictus episcopus suique successores potestatem illic habeant per se vel per suos missos iudicandi, distringendi placitumque tenendi vel quicquid eorum utilitas decreverit, faciendi ad augmentum Taurinensis ecclesie et ita faciendi, veluti in nostra vel marchionum vel comitum fuisset presentia, remota omni nostra nostrorumque successorum et omnium hominum contradictione, minoratione ac molestatione. Igitur quicumque infra predictam urbem vel hec Xcem miliaria per circuitum vel in prefatis curtibus et castellis habitator exstiterit vel castellaverit et vassalli eiusdem episcopii non in presentia comitum et marchionum vel missorum nostrorum eorum lites aliter agere ullo modo vel diffinire liceat nisi ante Karolum episcopum vel eius successores vel eorum legatos decrevimus, sicut supra concessimus, et quicquid in eorum presentia finitum vel iudicatum fuerit, perpetua stabilitate permaneat. Precipimus itaque, ut deinceps nullus dux, marchio, comes, vicecomes, gastaldio vel ullus rei publice procurator vel alia persona magna vel parva predictam Taurinensem ecclesiam eiusque vicarios disvestire, molestare et inquietare, mansionaticum facere, theloneum, placitum, districtum vel aliquam publicam functionem exigere vel de predictis rebus violentiam facere audeatimmunity. Hec omnia supradicta episcopo Karolo Taurinensi et ecclesie sue damus et confirmamus salva per omnia imperiali iusticia et illa ordinatione, quam in hac expeditione fecimus. Si quis autem huius precepti violator esse presumpserit, c[ent]um libras auri optimipenalty componat, medietatem imperiali fiscocamera regis et medietatem predicto episcopo eiusque ecclesie.

Keywords: aldius, bishops, camera regis, castle, churches, curtes, decima, districtio, emperor/king, fisheries, forests, hay/fodder, immunity, imperial/royal diploma, lakes, mansi, markets, marshes/lagoons/tombolos, mother churches, mountains, penalty, plebs, public exactions, rights of use on woods/pastures/waters, teloneum, vici.

Editions and document summaries: DD F I/2, n. 225, pp. 50-52.
