Siena, Archivio di Stato, Diplomatico, San Salvatore del Monte Amiata (MGH DD O I, pp. 328-329 , n. 237)

Title: Siena, Archivio di Stato, Diplomatico, San Salvatore del Monte Amiata (MGH DD O I, pp. 328-329 , n. 237)
Document number: 2187
Author(s): Chiara Stedile (file creation on 2021-02-08); Lorenzo Tabarrini (last change on 2024-02-20)
Record source: Critical edition
Document type: Imperial/royal diploma
Document tradition: Original
Fiscal property: Yes
Provenance: Sanctus Salvator; monasterium (Abbadia San Salvatore; Monte Amiata; Siena)

Date: 962 February 21
Topical date: Rignano sull'Arno (Firenze)

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(C.) In nomine sanctae et individuae trinitatis. Ottoemperor/king divina favente clementia imperator augustus. Si sanctis ac venerabilibus locis ea quae ab antecessoribus nostris collata sunt, corroborare studuerimus et de his que nostri iuris sunt concedere satagimus, aeterne vite emolumentum adipisci ac presentis status soliditatem propensius augmentari non titubamus. Idcirco omnium fidelium sanctae dei ecclesiae nostrorumque presentium ac futurorum industria noverit, abbatemabbots et monachosmonks in coenobiomonasteries domini et salvatoris nostri Iesu Christicurtes, casae/cassinae massaricie, landed possessions, decima, public exactions, angaria, churches, monasteries, cells/hermitages, abbots, monks, royal slave militantes in monte Amiatecurtes, casae/cassinae massaricie, landed possessions, decima, public exactions, angaria, churches, monasteries, cells/hermitages, abbots, monks, royal slave nobis lacrimabiliter protulisse, quod famis ac nuditatis indigentia ibidem deo servire non possent, eo quod cortescurtes et cellecells/hermitages que a precessoribus ad sumptum eorum conlate sunt, a pravis fuissent distracte hominibus. Nos quidem pro dei amore animarumque nostrarum remedio, quoniam idem coenobium in nostram devenerat potestatem ac proprietatemiure proprietatis/pleno iure, res et predia que a nostris precessoribus collata sunt et confirmata ac corroborata, confirmare et corroborare studuimus et de nostris iuris proprietate in monachorum sumptum cortes et cellas contulimus, quatinus sedulo orationes pro nobis coniugequemarriage nostra Adelheidamarriage filioquechild of nostro regeemperor/king Ottoneemperor/king, child of ibidem ad dominum dirigantur. Igitur cortes et cellas masariciacasae/cassinae massaricie et sorteslanded possessions familiamque utriusque sexusroyal slave que actenus tenuerunt omniaque precepta ab antecessoribus nostris conlata omniaque instrumenta confirmamus pleniterque corroboramus et, quoniam prefatum coenobium in nostram devenit potestatem et proprietatem, et que a pravis ablata sunt hominibus et alia quibus indigentiam explere valeant, in usum fratrum per hoc nostrum preceptum concedimus donamus adque largimus, videlicet cellam BenedictiJURIDICAL PERSON: fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages; PLACE: fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages, cortem de PaleaESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cellam sancti Stephani in MonticloJURIDICAL PERSON: fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages; PLACE: fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages et cellam sanctae Marie in LamulasJURIDICAL PERSON: fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages; PLACE: fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages cum suis pertinentiis, cortem de MustiaESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches et corticellam de TitinanoESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches et in Cerricoloni/tenants, angaria angarialescoloni/tenants, angaria et curticellam in FerenianoPLACE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches; ESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches nec non et cellam Salvatorisfiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages in Uibugnanofiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages et corticellam de Cuniclocurtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches cum ipso caiolo de Portianocurtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches et cellam sancti Stephanifiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages in Terquinofiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages seu etiam cellam sancti SeueriJURIDICAL PERSON: fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages; PLACE: fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages super lacum cum ipsa corticella de BisentioESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cellam etiam sancti MiniatiJURIDICAL PERSON: fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages; PLACE: fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages nec et cellam sancti Petri in GarmaritaJURIDICAL PERSON: fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages; PLACE: fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages et cell[am] sancte Mariae de UalerianoJURIDICAL PERSON: fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages; PLACE: fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches, cells/hermitages cum ipsis rebus de CorticioneESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches cum omnibus adiacentiis et pertinentiis earum atque cortem sancte Marie ad OffenaESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches et corticellam sancti SimeonisESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches et sanctum Petrum in CeruariaESTATE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches; PLACE: curtes, fiscal property, textual occurrence, object, function, exceptive, fiscal reserve, outflow, allocation to churches cum omnibus rebus et familiis ad eas in integrum pertinentibus vel respicientibus; denique etiam concedimus ad predictum coenobium omnia decimadecima frea et iudiciariaprofits of justice et omnem conpositionem et exibitionempublic exactions publicam ex omnibus manentibus predicti monasterii ob remedium animarum nostrarum in usum peregrinorum ad portam monasterii clamantium. Precepimus etiam et statuimus ut deinceps in futurum haec nostra confirmatio atque donatio a posteris nostris inconvulsa maneat et inlibata, et ut nullus dux marchio c[om]es aut ulla regni nostri magna parvaque persona in domos vel res predicti coenobii violentiam inferat aut famulos flagellare vel angariare presumat neque de predictis rebus ullam minorationem facere satagat, sed liceat abbatem sanctamque congregationem predictas cortes et cellas cum earum integritatibus tenere omnium inquietudine remota. Si quis hoc nostrum preceptum violare temptaverit, se conpositurum auri optimi libras centumpenalty, medietatem kamere nostrecamera regis et medietatem sancte congregacioni predicti coenobiicamera of other public authorities. Quod ut verius credatur et diligentius observetur, manibus propriis corroborantes anuli nostri inpressione subter iussimus insigniri. Signum domni Ottonis invictissimi imperatoris (M.) Liutulfuschancellor cancellariuschancellor advicem Brunonisarchchaplain archicappellaniarchchaplain recognovi et subscripsi. (SR.) (SI. D.) Data VIIII. kal. mar. anno dominicae incarnationis DCCCCLXII, indictione V, anno regni serenissimi regis Ottonis XXVII, imperii primo; actum Rigiano; in Christi nomine feliciter amen.

Keywords: abbots, angaria, archchaplain, camera of other public authorities, camera regis, casae/cassinae massaricie, cells/hermitages, chancellor, child of, coloni/tenants, curtes, decima, emperor/king, iure proprietatis/pleno iure, landed possessions, marriage, monasteries, monks, penalty, profits of justice, public exactions, royal slave.

Editions and document summaries: MGH DD O I, pp. 328-329 , n. 237


Cfr. il diploma di Ludovico II del 4 luglio 853 (MGH DD Lu II, pp. 83-87, n. 11), di Arnolfo del 27 febbraio 896 (MGH DD Arn, pp. 211-213, n. 140), di Berengario I del 8 dicembre 915 (DD B I, pp. 276-279 n. CVIII), di Ugo e Lotario del 5 ottobre 937 (DD U L, pp. 136-138, n. XLV), di Enrico II del 10 aprile 1007 (MGH DD H II, pp. 156-157, n. 130) e di Corrado II del 5 aprile 1027 (MGH DD Ko II, pp. 103-106, n. 79). Rispetto ai diplomi precedenti, la cella di Sanctus Salvator de Valle Rachana è detta cella Salvatoris in Uibugnano (identificabile presumibilmente, secondo Marrocchi 2014, con Campagnatico, GR). La località di Rigiano è identificabile, secondo Fumagalli 1973, con Rignano sull'Arno (Firenze).