Title: Aversa, Archivio Capitolare, Privatorum rationes v. I, 5
Document number: 4562
Author(s): Valerio De Angelis (file creation on 2023-02-06); Valerio De Angelis (last change on 2023-02-06)
Record source: Critical edition
Document type: Venditio
Document tradition: Original
Fiscal property: Yes
Date: 1131 March 1 - 1131 March 31
Topical date: Aversa (Caserta)
Keywords: child of, churches, cities, count, dominus/senior of, fines, fiscal property, fundi, heir to, landed possessions, mention, miles of, mother churches, notary, other clerics, penalty, petiae, price, princeps, roads, specialized workers, textual occurrence, venditio, village/castle territory, villas, viscount, witness.
Editions and document summaries: CDNA, II, n. 30, pp. 46-50 (source of the text reproduced here).