Title: Capua, Museo Campano, n. 21
Document number: 4618
Author(s): Valerio De Angelis (file creation on 2023-11-26); Valerio De Angelis (last change on 2023-11-26)
Record source: Critical edition
Document type: Marquis’/ducal/princely diploma
Document tradition: Original
Fiscal property: Uncertain
Date: 1129 January 1 - 1129 January 31
Topical date: Capua (Caserta)
Keywords: abbesses, child of, churches, cities, coloni/tenants, feudum, fidelis of, fines, fiscal property, function, heir to, houses, intercessory, iure proprietatis/pleno iure, judge, landed possessions, mention, monasteries, object, other palatine officer, outflow, penalty, personal rank, petiae, priests, princeps, public exactions, redistributive, roads, sibling in law of, sibling of, textual occurrence, vir gloriosus/vir sublimis.
Editions and document summaries: Mazzoleni 1957, pp. 60-63 (source of the text reproduced here).
I tre puntini indicano uno spazio bianco nella pergamena.