Title: Montecassino, Archivio privato, "Carte di Aversa", fasc. III, n. 11
Document number: 4642
Author(s): Valerio De Angelis (file creation on 2024-01-21); Valerio De Angelis (last change on 2024-01-21)
Record source: Critical edition
Document type: Marquis’/ducal/princely diploma
Document tradition: Copy
Fiscal property: Yes
Date: 1108 December 9
Topical date: Aversa
Date/period of redaction: 1127
Keywords: bishops, churches, cities, coloni/tenants, dioecesis, family of, fiscal property, function, grandparent of, houses, intercessory, iure proprietatis/pleno iure, judge, landed possessions, mother churches, object, other palatine officer, outflow, parent of, penalty, personal rank, princeps, redistributive, sibling of, textual occurrence, vir gloriosus/vir sublimis.
Editions and document summaries: Inguanez 1926, pp. 26-28 (source of the text reproduced here).