Title: Milano, Archivio di Stato, Pergamene per fondi, Mantova, S. Benedetto di Polirone, cart. 205, n. 6
Document number: 5066
Author(s): Beatrice Ferretti (file creation on 2022-03-15); Beatrice Ferretti (last change on 2022-03-15)
Record source: Critical edition
Document type: Offersio/donatio
Document tradition: Original
Fiscal property:
Provenance: Sanctus Benedictus inter Padum et Lironem; monasterium (San Benedetto Po; Mantova)
Date: 1107 Februar 8
Topical date: Praglia (Teolo, Padova)
Keywords: agricultural workers, animals, areas, canals, casae/cassinae massaricie, cereals, child of, churches, comitatus, count, fisheries, forests, hay/fodder, iure proprietatis/pleno iure, landed possessions, legumes, lombard, marshes/lagoons/tombolos, mills, notary, offersio/donatio, penalty, rights of use on woods/pastures/waters, shores, sibling in law of, wine, witness, writer.
Editions and document summaries: CDP I n. 65, pp. 217-219.
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