Title: Nonantola, Archivio Abbaziale, Pergamene, III.34
Document number: 773
Author(s): Edoardo Manarini (file creation on 2021-10-14); Edoardo Manarini (last change on 2021-10-14)
Record source: Critical edition
Document type: Commutatio
Document tradition: Copy
Fiscal property: Uncertain
Date: 813 January 1/818 December 31
Date/period of redaction: IX pm
Keywords: abbots, bishops, boni viri/boni homines, casae/cassinae massaricie, chestnuts, city territory, commutatio, copy, emperor/king, forests, fruits/vegetables, hay/fodder, maiores, missus of other public authorities, monasteries, monks, mother churches, notary, petiae, prevosts, priests, rights of use on woods/pastures/waters, rivers, salian, vassus of, vici, villas, witness, writer.
Editions and document summaries: ChLA 89, 1.